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A mannequin covered in black tape is held up by a PVC pipe frame in a large room. Two students kneel next to electronic equipment near the mannequin.

Staying Safe When Lightning Strikes

As a capstone project, a team of engineering seniors built a mannequin to test the efficacy of lightning protection garments.
photo taken from a plane showing cumulus clouds from above. The wing of the plane is visible in the left of the frame

Taking Flight to Study Clouds and Climate

A new mission involving synchronized aircraft observations is collecting data vital for improving our understanding of how aerosol particles and clouds influence each other.
A student sitting next to a computer monitor and wearing a VR headset.

Students Net $46,000 in Prizes at Craig M. Berge Design Day 2021

College of Engineering seniors at the University of Arizona showcase their efforts to make crops healthier, humans safer, and the future brighter.
Daniel Wieland wearing a suit and tie.

BME Senior Receives Merrill P. Freeman Award

Engineering student Daniel Wieland is one of just seven undergraduates will be recognized with four university-wide awards for their service to the community, academic accomplishments and perseverance.
A woman leans over a computer screen, examining lines of code.

University of Arizona Launches Software Engineering Degree

The program positions graduates to take on rewarding positions in high demand by industry.
Roberto Furfaro standing behind a telescope

The Visitor Who Never Left: Roberto Furfaro, 2021 da Vinci Fellow

The systems and industrial engineering professor, whose work centers around applying artificial intelligence methods to space exploration, has been with the college for more than 20 years.
Marwan Abdujawad wearing a lab coat.

Engineering Student Wins University of Arizona Grad Slam

Marwan Abduljawad honors his mother’s battle with cancer in his award-winning presentation about MRI contrast agents.
Shot from below of the ECE building and three palm trees.

ABOR Selects Marwan Krunz as Regents Professor

The Arizona Board of Regents confirmed the appointments of University of Arizona faculty members Steven Archer, Sonia Colina, Marwan Krunz, Dante Lauretta, Sallie Marston and Ian Pepper as Regents Professors.
