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Faculty News

A darkly tinted photo of an aerial view of a city, with lines connecting different buildings. Text along the bottom reads "Attack Origins, Attack Types, Attack Targets and Live Attacks"

UA Prepares Students for Careers in Intelligence and Information

A $1.5M grant from the Defense Intelligence Agency gives students across campus a way to learn more about intelligence operations, including those related to electrical and computer engineering.
Taehee Lee applies a blower to the desert dirt.

Startup Licenses UA-Engineered Solutions to Control Dust in a Dry World

Using technology developed by a UA engineer, startup Clean Earth Tech plans to provide a novel solution to a common problem in arid climates: air pollution caused by dry air and blowing dust.
A man holds up a small 3D-printed black sphere in one hand, a penny in the other. The sphere is only about 3 times the size of the penny.

Self-Driving Could Get a Big Boost If This Automotive Radar Startup Is on the Right Track

A product developed by electrical and computer engineer Hao Xin could speed the development of driverless technology.
Dirt explosion

Team Uses 'Magic' Microbes, Chemical Processes to Render Toxic Explosives Harmless

With $1.7 million in DOD funding, UA engineers and scientists are developing game-changing chemical reaction processes and biodegradation methods to quickly and easily decontaminate soil and water.
