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Faculty News

Bruce Alberts

Former National Academy of Science President Speaks at University of Arizona

Bruce Alberts on writing textbooks, reforming science education and expanding scientists’ reach.
brain scans

Brain Injury Modeling Reveals Deep Trauma Patterns

New research results indicate that traumatic brain injury, such as that resulting from impacts in sports and auto accidents, is caused by stretching and straining of tissue well below the surface of the brain.
wolfgang fink

Humans, Machines Enter a New Orbit

As humans prepare to push off from the safe haven of Earth and embark on journeys into deep space, a new generation of explorers is in the making -- some of them human, some robotic and some with aspects of both.
Vishnu Reddy and Tanner Campbell

UA Researchers Track Chinese Space Station as It Falls

As Chinese space station Tiangong-1 falls to Earth, UA astronomer Vishnu Reddy and aerospace engineering graduate student Tanner Campbell are following its path using technology they developed in four months -- and with less than $2,000.
