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Faculty News

UA College of Engineering

College of Engineering Launches Faculty Mentoring Program

NSF and College of Engineering organize joint workshop to guide new engineering faculty through starting their academic career.
Mary Poulton

MGE Department Head Mary Poulton Inducted into American Mining Hall of Fame

College's first female department head, and director of Lowell Institute for Mineral resources, helps cement UA's role as mining engineering center of excellence.
Planetary exploration vehicles

Engineering Professor Receives Awards for Research into Artificial Retina and Robotic Planetary Exploration

A College of Engineering faculty member was recently honored for his work in helping the blind to see and developing a more efficient way to explore distant planets.
Students with Lego robot

Kids Try Out College Engineering Classes in High School

Test-driving a UA Engineering degree in high school allows students to make sure the subject is really what they want to study, and can save parents money and students stress.
