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Outreach News

A student works in the UA's Nano Fabrication Center

Educating a State and National Semiconductor Workforce

A popular summer camp is the latest in a series of collaborations and initiatives designed to increase semiconductor career training access.
a large group of panelists poses in a conference setting

Copper Symposium Points a Way Forward for Critical Issues

The University of Arizona contributes with research and education.
a team of four in a worksop area with a small robot

Wildcat Robotics’ Inaugural Sonoran Showdown Strikes for Success

Dozens of teams filled registration to capacity for the double-elimination BattleBot tournament.
conference panelists sit at a table

Near Space Symposium Strengthens Ties Between University, Industry and Government

The new Institute for Near Space Studies is exploring a land of opportunities that begins 60,0000 feet up.
