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SIE Doctoral Students Win Best Paper Award for Connected-Vehicle Research

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SIE Doctoral Students Win Best Paper Award for Connected-Vehicle Research

Oct. 6, 2014
SIE research on wireless communications between vehicles could reduce fatalities and injuries on the nation's roads.

Research on connected-vehicle technology recently earned three UA Engineering students the Intelligent Transportation Society of Arizona’s Best Paper Award.

Award-winning students Mehdi Zamanipour, Yiheng Feng and Shayan Khoshmagham are all systems and industrial engineering PhD students working with Larry Head, SIE professor and former department head.

The society, which made the award at its annual conference Sept. 24-25 in Tempe, Arizona, is dedicated to improving transportation efficiency and safety through advanced technology, including that described in the student paper: “A Simulation Platform for Test and Evaluation of Signal Control Applications in a Connected Vehicle Environment.”

MAIN PICTURE: UA delegates to the ITS-AZ annual conference, held Sept. 24-25 in Tempe, Arizona, stand at the UA exhibition booth. From left: Yao-Jan Wu, assistant professor in civil engineering and engineering mechanics, and director of the Smart Transportation Lab; Hamid Mirzahossein, visiting scholar at CEEM; Byungho Beak, PhD student in systems and industrial engineering; Joel Turk, CEEM senior and officer in the student chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers; award-winners Mehdi Zamanipour, Yiheng Feng and Shayan Khoshmagham, PhD students in SIE; Andisheh Ranjbari, PhD student in CEEM and ITE student chapter president; and SIE professor Larry Head.