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Faculty News

Pamela Wilkinson Receives Ivan B. Rahn Award for Mining Education and Outreach

Mining organizations honor UA: Outreach coordinator Pam Wilkinson receives the Ivan B. Rahn Education Award from the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, and alum Conrad Huss is inducted into the Mining Foundation of the Southwest hall of fame.
Moriba Jah

UA's Space Expertise Seen as Key for US Security

A new UA research initiative in space object behavioral sciences, headed by Moriba Jah, is regarded as vital to a deeper understanding of global issues.

Algae: The ‘Greenest’ Solution to Climate Change?

Algae biofuels may be the cleanest and most affordable solution to global warming, UA chemical and environmental engineer Kimberly Ogden tells a packed Tucson audience on February 29.
Elsentriecy and Gervasio in the lab

UA Startup Caltrode Tackles Galvanic Corrosion

Researchers have invented a new type of sensor designed to work effectively in high-temperature environments, and it has implications for solar power, nuclear reactors and petroleum refining.
