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Students News

University of Arizona College of Engineering

Grant to Expand Innovative High School Engineering Program

The Tucson Unified School District, in partnership with the UA College of Engineering, has won a two-year grant from Science Foundation Arizona to implement a program geared toward increasing engineering graduates at Arizona colleges.
UA Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Industry and Research Collaborate to Improve Solar Cell Efficiency

Research meets industry as two Tucson companies and UA professor Ray Kostuk have been awarded a three-year grant to investigate holographic optical collectors in solar technologies.
Robot racing

UA and Industry Use Robotics to Promote Engineering Among Less Privileged Students

Summer enginering programs are open to students from all backgrounds, but one aims to attract Hispanic and Native American students, particularly from poor economic backgrounds.
Project Sage

On a Rooftop, Students of Invention

The assignment for the first class of the Practice School of Sustainability is to design a cogeneration system that combines a solar photovoltaic array with water cooling.
