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Students News

A woman with long brown hair sits the left of a man with brown hair and a woman with dirty blond hair sits to the far left of the table.

College of Engineering honors fall 2024 outstanding students and teaching assistants

Faculty and staff break bread with students, awarding the semester's outstanding graduating seniors and teaching assistants with plaques and prizes.
5 people sign documents at a table

ADOT launches tri-university Arizona Transportation Institute

Engineers are collaborating to improve state transportation with up to $11.5 million for high-priority research coordinated at the U of A.
a large group of people pose near water with rescue equipment

15 years of lifesaving entrepreneurship

Alum’s robotic inventions give emergency responders a major edge in water rescue.
students and a professor in a University of Arizona lab

Math tutoring program prepares Native American students for STEM careers

MESCIT provides one-on-one math tutoring and connects students with U of A scientists and engineers from Native backgrounds.
