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Students News

Prabhat Baniya and Kathleen Melde

Pushing the Envelope of Chip-to-Chip Communication

ECE professor and grad student get tiny chips to do big jobs using reconfigurable antennas.
UA engineering students fine-tune their virtual reality system for CPR training after hours on the floor of a lab at the Sarver Heart Center.

Gift Equips Engineering Students to Build Lifesaving Technology

Biomedical engineering students at the UA will soon have the chance to solve design challenges in all four years of their studies.
Two people standing in front of an ivy-covered archway on the UA campus.

A UA-Powered Science Fair Success

Ask and you shall receive: High school freshman turns to UA researcher for help with her project on aerosol particles.
Five students standing by a 3D printer

Students Demonstrate Firefighting, Grasshopper-Catching and Bruise-Measuring Tech at Design Day

On April 29, 616 senior engineering students will display projects they’ve developed over the course of a year. There are inventions to fight fires, reduce cyclist fatalities and combat child abuse, as well as more than 100 other projects to make our world better and bigger.
