Summer enginering programs are open to students from all backgrounds, but one aims to attract Hispanic and Native American students, particularly from poor economic backgrounds.
Work at the UA's Engineering Research Center for Environmentally Benign Semiconductor Manufacturing is leading to to advancements in reducing water and energy consumption.
The assignment for the first class of the Practice School of Sustainability is to design a cogeneration system that combines a solar photovoltaic array with water cooling.
Erica Corral, an assistant professor in MSE, is one of the recipients of more than $14 million in grants to scientists and engineers by the Air Force's Young Investigator Research Program.
Teri Spencer, the co-founder, CEO and president of Ephibian, won a Shaping the Future Award at the 2009 Technology and Management Awards Luncheon (TMAL) held Oct. 16 at the Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa in Phoenix.