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Programs News

Winners of UA Engineering 2017 Design Day

UA Engineering Design Day 2017: A Date to Remember

A drone for pollinating date palm trees, which could yield big savings in time and money for farmers, takes the top prize at Design Day 2017.

UA Engineering Design Day: The Next Big Thing, 100 Times Over

Senior projects for 2017 include an exoskeleton to help a student walk, tree-pollinating drones and drone destroyers, and a robotic umpire who can’t be disputed. Catch all the action on May 1.

Visiting NAE President Delivers a Vision for ‘Lifting Up the Planet’

Multidisciplinary research, hands-on experience, entrepreneurship and multicultural understanding are key to preparing students for solving 21st-century problems, says C.D. “Dan” Mote Jr. in a University of Arizona lecture.

UA Establishes Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Engineering

The College of Engineering’s newest degree program integrates engineering fundamentals with architectural perspectives and is expected to boost the number of architectural engineers in Arizona and other Western states.
