David W. Hahn, the Craig M. Berge Dean of the College of Engineering, third from left, hosted several engineering deans from Pac-12 universities in March. The group discussed best practices and issues including diversity and inclusion and staff recruitment and retention, according to Hahn. “We all know conferences shift, so our group is considering broadening its base to form our own regional coalition of engineering colleges. That would give us a strong collaborative basis for pursuing hub-based funding opportunities focused on initiatives such as semiconductors or hydrogen energy production,” Hahn said.
Deans in attendance were Scott Ashford of Oregon State, Richard Brown of Utah, Bruce Dunn of UCLA, Robert Guldberg of Oregon, Keith Molenaar of Colorado, Kyle Squires of Arizona State, and Yannis Yortsos of USC. Pac-12 engineering deans who were unable to attend the meeting are Nancy Allbritton of Washington, Tsu-Jae King-Liu of Berkeley, Mary Rezac of Washington State, and Nancy Widom of Stanford.