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College of Engineering Students, Faculty Well Represented on 2013 Pillars of Excellence Wall

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College of Engineering Students, Faculty Well Represented on 2013 Pillars of Excellence Wall

March 21, 2013
College of Engineering Students, Faculty Well Represented on 2013 Pillars of Excellence Wall


Two UA College of Engineering students and a professor are among those being added to the Pillars of Excellence display in the UA Bookstore.

Returning student Jennifer Ramin, a Goldwater scholar and junior in the chemical and environmental engineering department who left a successful 15-year career as a nurse to take up engineering, and Casey Mackin, an Astronaut scholar and senior in electrical and computer engineering who plans to pursue his doctorate, will have their names permanently etched on the Pillars of Excellence wall.

Theirs will join the names of about 140 other students who, over the years, have been honored.

In the latest in a long string of awards he has earned for his innovative teaching, University Distinguished Professor Paul Blowers also was honored with a 2013 Pillars of Excellence award, and his portrait will hang with those of other professors who have received the award.

Six University of Arizona professors and 12 Honors College students were honored on February 28 at the eighth annual Pillars of Excellence program at the UA Bookstore, hosted by the UA BookStores and Office of the President.