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Kurt DelBene and Jeff Goldberg

Students Get Rare Look Into Microsoft Exec's MO

Longtime leader shares with UA Engineering students his secrets for success, predictions for emerging technologies, and tips for effective management and leadership.
Roberto Furfaro

UA Researchers on Winning Team in Lunar Exploration Competition

Faculty from College of Engineering and Lunar and Planetary Laboratory take another step toward understanding meteor impacts on the moon.
Kurt DelBene Racing

Microsoft's Chief Digital Officer Puts UA Engineering Speaker Series In Pole Position

In a Q&A for students, longtime Microsoft executive Kurt DelBene will draw from his experiences transforming products like Microsoft Office and troubleshooting the website.
Andrea Achilli

College of Engineering Welcomes 12 New Faculty

The College of Engineering is growing: A dozen faculty were added in the 2017-2018 academic year, with more on the way next year.
Seismic engineering research team

Expanded Concrete Curriculum to Pilot Spring 2018

PCI Foundation grant gives future engineers and architects a solid footing in precast/prestressed concrete.
Earthquake engineering team

Earthquake Engineers Shift Focus to Steel Collectors to Ensure Structural Safety

UA researchers and collaborators turn their attention to lateral force transfer to design buildings that better withstand seismic forces.
Invisible man

Hao Xin Named IEEE Fellow

University of Arizona professor of electrical and computer engineering recognized internationally for work on 3-D printing otherworldly materials.
high-speed traffic

UA to Host International Conference on Super-Fast Wireless Communications

Fifth-generation, or 5G, wireless networks, which promise to be up to 100 times faster than 4G and up to 25,000 times faster than 3G, are on the horizon, and the benefits go far beyond being able to download an HD movie in seconds.
