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Industry News

The Center for Applied Transportation Sciences serves academic institutions, private companies and government agencies throughout the state.

College Marks Historic Year in Research Expenditures

Investment in partnerships and centers boosts Arizona’s regional economy and elevates the College of Engineering’s competitive status for major grants.
closeup of copper ore

Engineering Alum Takes on Leadership of Copper Trade Group

New CEO Adam Estelle plans to remain an ongoing student of the high-demand element.

Basketball-Shooting Robot Inspires at Design Day 2024

University of Arizona engineering students competed for $49,000 in prizes, with projects ranging from the winning basketball robot to a smart energy grid and a disaster relief system that turns plastic into fuel.
conference panelists sit at a table

Near Space Symposium Strengthens Ties Between University, Industry and Government

The new Institute for Near Space Studies is exploring a land of opportunities that begins 60,0000 feet up.
