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Faculty News

Zheshen Zhang in his lab

UArizona Engineer Awarded $5M to Build Quantum-Powered Navigation Tools

Funded by the NSF Convergence Accelerator Program, the Quantum Sensors project aims to make space and terrestrial navigation far more sensitive, accurate and affordable.
A student smiling and wearing graduation garb and a white hard hat covered in stickers. There are three other students in the frame, wearing the same combination, but out of focus.

Arizona State Legislature Approves $4M in Ongoing Yearly Funding for School of Mining and Mineral Resources

The funding is geared to building a highly educated workforce prepared to meet some of the world’s most pressing technological needs around mineral resources.
In the foreground, a robot with four orange wheels. Two men stand behind the robot.

Researchers Enlist Robot Swarms to Mine Lunar Resources

Aerospace and mining engineers are mapping out a plan for harvesting the moon's resources using autonomous robot swarms and new excavation techniques.
