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Biomedical Engineering

This section of the college news site gathers stories that feature the faculty, students, staff and programs of the UA Department of Biomedical Engineering. For detailed information about all other aspects of BME, please visit the department website.

Biomedical Engineering News

Discovery Files logo

'Cardi-Hack' -- The Discovery Files

The National Science Foundation’s podcast series, The Discovery Files, features the malware-detecting pacemaker designed by UA electrical and computer engineers Roman Lysecky and Jerzy Rozenblit.

Study Looks at Training Residents to Use AEDs

UA biomedical engineer Marv Slepian and Sarver Heart Center co-director Karl Kern team up with Green Valley groups to introduce community defibrillators.

College Announces Spring 2017 Outstanding Seniors and Graduate Teaching Assistants

The UA College of Engineering honored outstanding seniors and graduate teaching assistants for the spring 2017 semester at a commencement luncheon May 3.
Winners of UA Engineering 2017 Design Day

UA Engineering Design Day 2017: A Date to Remember

A drone for pollinating date palm trees, which could yield big savings in time and money for farmers, takes the top prize at Design Day 2017.
