Tech Product Reviewer Getting Nationwide Attention

Aug. 3, 2010

Brian Klug, a UA senior and Honors College student, was one of the first engineers to detect problems with the Apple iPhone 4 antenna. His work has generated nationwide news coverage as he continues to review other products.

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Brian Klug, who writes product reviews for a hardware analysis company, had eagerly awaited the arrival of the iPhone 4. 

With the device in hand, he began his daily use and usual run of tests to check the product's feel and usability, battery life and charge, backlight, Javascript, page loading capabilities, sound, display brightness, performance and other features. 

Early on, Klug, a University of Arizona senior and writer and contributing editor, detected a problem with the antenna and – within days of the product's release – became one of the first reviewers to publicize the issue.

"I am pretty much addicted to looking at the signal numerically, in dBm (ratio of power in decibels) so it became a matter of putting together a few ways of holding it and taking measurements," said Klug, a UA Honors College student studying optical sciences and engineering.

He and co-author Anand Shimpi, who launched, found that the device would experience a decline in signal strength when it was held in four different ways. 

The two eventually published the first quantitative evaluation of the phone's antenna to verify that the problem did, indeed, exist. The review was immediately picked up by a number of news agencies and consumer magazines across the nation.