Night on the Town Will Help Raise Funds for Student Bolivian Irrigation Project
Night on the Town Will Help Raise Funds for Student Bolivian Irrigation Project
The UA student chapter of Engineers Without Borders is hosting an evening of fun and fine dining April 28 to raise funds for the club’s Bolivian irrigation project.
EWB’s Night on the Town will begin in the courtyard of Old Engineering on the UA campus. Guests will be treated to a dinner catered by Macayo’s Restaurant, and musical entertainment will be provided by a string duet of EWB members.
After the dinner, which stars at 6 p.m., those with the stamina, and a valid ID, will stroll down to University Boulevard for further revelry.
EWB is a student-run club dedicated to using its knowledge to improve the world by taking on projects in underdeveloped areas and bringing engineering solutions to these communities.
The group’s current project is in the 650-person community of Marquirivi, almost 13,000 feet up in the Bolivian Andes. “Their existing irrigation infrastructure cannot sustain the growing community’s need for food,” said Kelsey Newman, EWB officer and biomedical engineering major.
EWB-UA’s project aims to redistribute nearby water sources and improve the crop yield and livelihood of Marquirivi. “We will be going on our first assessment trip to Bolivia this summer,” Newman said.
EWB is still raising money for the June trip to Bolivia, where they will meet with community leaders to discuss the town’s water needs, evaluate current irrigation infrastructure and options for a future distribution system, identify local options for materials and services, and collect general information about the site layout.
“This information is all necessary in order to begin designing and implementing our engineering solution in the coming years,” Newman said. “Night on the Town is the last official fundraiser we will have before the trip, but we are always accepting donations by mail,” she added.
The event is open to professionals, faculty, students, and anyone else who wants to support the project and enjoy a fun night with “EWB-ers,” Newman said.
Visit for more information about the club and its projects.
Tickets are $40 for professionals and faculty, $30 for students, and $20 for EWB members. Contact the group at to buy tickets. RSVP is requested by April 21.
• EWB-UA Project in West Africa
UA Student Engineers Head to West Africa to Fix Village Water Supply