Video Educates About Water Usage in Mining

April 8, 2024

School of Mining & Mineral Resources Inspires Future Mining Engineers

a small film cast and crew

Isabel Barton, center, plays the professor in “Water in the Lifecycle of a Mine.” Barton is an assistant professor in the College of Engineering, which administers the School of Mining & Mineral Resources jointly with the College of Science.

The University of Arizona School of Mining & Mineral Resources and the UA Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences created an educational video to educate and inspire future mining engineers while also clearing up misconceptions about the industry.

“Water in the Lifecycle of a Mine” is tailored for an audience of elementary students up to undergraduates. The video recently debuted on the SMMR YouTube channel and is an accessible six-minute dive into the complex issues surrounding water and the mining industry.

“It showcases the responsibility of mines to share a scarce resource,” said Gillian Noonan, executive producer and senior engineer, research and development at the Geotechnical Center of Excellence. “It involves a lot of regulation, and it's something they take very seriously.”

The video offers interviews with industry and university experts, including the late Tom Meixner, UA hydrology and atmospheric sciences department head. It is dedicated to his memory.