University of Arizona Sports Analytics Class About More than Ballpark Numbers
UA professor of systems and industrial engineering Ricardo Valerdi adapts his Science of Baseball program to a new class in sports analytics.

UA offensive lineman Gerhard de Beer, left, a student in the sports analytics class, came within .03 percent of predicting the exact attendance for the June 9 Diamondbacks game. (Photo: A.E. Araiza/Arizona Daily Star)
The UA is offering a class in sports analytics, a booming industry in the world of professional athletics. “MGMT 359 Sports Analytics,” part of the Eller Sports Management Program, provides students with an entry point to the data analysis that has become an essential ingredient in front offices across every major sport.
The College of Engineering's Ricardo Valerdi, who created the curriculum and is teaching the class, is hopeful it can supply aspiring Billy Beanes with the tools they need to land jobs in sports analytics and similar fields.
Even if you’re not an athlete or going into professional sports, you can sharpen your saw with statistical tools that apply to business,” says Ricardo Valerdi, UA professor of systems and industrial engineering.