New UA Grad Selected to Speak at Beckman Symposium
June 9, 2016
A member of the Class of 2016, Ben Wu is one of three Beckman Scholars selected to speak at the August 2016 Beckman Symposium in August in Irvine, California.
I wanted to tackle the issue of renewable energy. Chemical engineering, with its emphasis on energy transfer and reactor design, seemed like the best choice to help me reach this goal," Wu said.
So compelling is this work that Wu was selected for one of the three speaker slots at the 2016 Beckman Symposium, which will be held in August in Irvine, California. During the conference, Wu will discuss his latest research results before several hundred scientists, including Nobel Laureates.
Being a Beckman Scholar has been one of the defining experiences during my college career and has given me numerous opportunities to build academic, communication and professional skills."