Honors Senior Wins Robie Gold Medal
Service and community feature prominently in award-winning mechanical engineer's life.

Mechanical engineering senior Justine Schluntz at Engineering Design Day 2009. She and her senior design team presented their project to design a testing apparatus that would allow their sponsor, Paragon Space Development Corp., to test special seals it has developed for use in the highly abrasive lunar dust environment. (Photo: Pete Brown)
College of Engineering senior Justine Schluntz, who will soon graduate summa cum laude with honors with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, recently won a Robie Gold Medal Award. She will receive the award May 16 at the undergraduate commencement ceremony.
The medal and cash award were founded by UA graduates Wendell Robie of the class of 1917 and Inez Robie of the class of 1916. The awards are given each year to one male and one female student who show personal integrity, initiative, cooperativeness, enthusiasm, humility, well-rounded interests, active participation in student affairs, service to the University and willingness to give more than required, and show a love of God and country.
Schluntz is a keen competitive swimmer and was attracted to the world-class swim team at the UA led by coach Frank Busch. Shoulder surgeries sidelined her during first three semesters, but she participated in the next three NCAA Championships.
In 2008, Schluntz swam the leadoff leg of the 800-meter freestyle relay at the NCAA Championships. The relay team’s unexpected victory was part of Arizona’s relay sweep that paved the way for the Wildcats’ first NCAA team championship in swimming.
In 2009, Schluntz continued her athletic success by taking part in two winning relays at the NCAA championships. The 200-meter freestyle relay and 400-meter medley relay teams both won in spectacular fashion, and broke school, NCAA and American records. In her three years as a collegiate swimmer, she has garnered nine All-American honors.
Equally important to her is her Christian faith. She has attended Canyon Del Oro Baptist Church since her freshman year and is also active in Athletes in Action, a sports ministry on campus.
Schluntz is involved in several service-oriented groups, many through athletics. For three years she has participated in the Peer Athletic Leader, or PAL, program, which meets monthly to hear about topics such as money management, nutrition for peak performance, hazing, discrimination and sexual assault, and which serves as peer counselor for any athlete in need of assistance.
Schluntz also volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tucson and participates in community service events through CATS community service and the women’s swim team. These activities range from discussing the importance of staying in school with local young people to helping distribute food through The Giving Tree on Thanksgiving weekend.
She was one of 12 students to receive the 2009 UA Bookstores Pillar of Excellence honor for academic excellence and contributions to the community.
Schluntz plans to continue her education at the UA by beginning graduate studies in mechanical engineering in the fall. She will be a research assistant with Professor Jeff Jacobs, studying experimental fluid dynamics. In addition, she is looking forward to representing the Wildcats in the pool for one more year.
University Communications contributed to this story.