Dec. 1, 2023 Pierre Lucas Attains Fellowship in the American Ceramic Society The materials science and engineering professor is recognized internationally as a glass expert.
Nov. 16, 2023 College Names ECE’s Kelly Simmons-Potter Associate Dean of Academic Affairs First up for the Distinguished Outreach Professor is integrating undergraduate and graduate programs.
Nov. 14, 2023 Arizona Sports Hall of Fame Inducts UA Engineering’s Justine Schluntz For her accomplishments in swimming, diving and academics, the AME alum and faculty member takes her place in Class of 2023.
Oct. 24, 2023 Two Engineering Leaders Named Women of Impact Liesl Folks and Kathleen Melde are lauded for their professional success and for creating inclusive STEM environments.
Sept. 12, 2023 Engineering Welcomes 22 New Faculty, a Record High The college’s newest group of hires includes two new department heads, leadership for a new school, professors of practice, and experts in software engineering.
July 20, 2023 Two Departments Engage New Leaders Mario Romero-Ortega joins biomedical from the University of Houston, while Ricardo Valerdi is promoted from within systems and industrial.
July 17, 2023 Embracing the Future: Ricardo Valerdi Leads SIE into the Next 60 Years of Innovation As the department celebrates 60 years since the founding of systems engineering, Valerdi’s vision expands beyond becoming a top-ranked program to meeting the needs of a changing world.
June 21, 2023 Fall Semester Brings New Biomedical Engineering Head Mario Romero-Ortega’s growth vision encompasses accelerating engineering in medicine innovation and empowering student startups.
May 25, 2023 Four Engineering Faculty Earn UA Awards of Distinction Kelly Simmons-Potter, Wolfgang Fink, Alex Craig and Judith Su have made local, national and global impacts.
March 16, 2023 International Achievement Award Highlights Decades of Optical Mastery Wolfgang Fink holds commonalities with the award’s namesakes, who were leaders in establishing the UA as an optics powerhouse.